Dana Shoshana Mendis is an aspiring transfeminine creative person living in brunswick australia. at the age of 26, she completed her 3-year bachelor's in film and screen media program at SAE institute. she has a diploma in photography from back in the time she was living in her home country sri lanka. her studies of photography and her passion for arts are a few main motivational reasons for her to come to melbourne and study film.
In the early ages of her life, Dana stumbled across movies and photography and fell in love with those two mediums over the next few years of her life. she also has been an avid reader since when she was quite young and her favorite genres to read were and still are crime thrillers and mysteries. and later in her life, she discovered that she loves sci-fi and fantasy as much as she loves every other genre.
She identifies herself as a binary transwoman and has been living her life to the fullest for the past few years in melbourne. during her free time, you can find her adventuring around melbourne suburbs taking pictures with one of her film cameras, or hanging out with her closest friends at parks. and she loves going to the beach to watch the sunset. she'd end up taking countless photos of the sky and the clouds if she finds a beautiful sunset with fabulous colors.